Sunday, April 3, 2011

Learning made easy online.

When I was little, I loved poetry and written about how I felt. I loved how when I couldn’t articulate my feelings directly the way my head wanted to, writing attempted to exclaim them well in a couple of sentences or stanzas, until I was comforted.  Over my years in high school, I found myself much found of short stories and novels. The trigger was reading and reading and reading a lot of books that took me out of this world, into the lives of fictional characters that I could relate to, sometimes wanted to save, or fall in love with, or admire and even utterly despise. So I began writing my own stories; not for the heck of it, but because I felt that certain things needed to be written; needed to be told. And when I write until today, I feel as though I’m defining reality in its own way, and it is a challenge to stop my hand on the keyboard or pen once I start. I imagine myself a novelist someday in the future. I’ve been working on different books over the years that I seem to never finish because half of my time is dedicated to other things that keep me running (ex: relations, education, sleep).  I wish for the days, hours will seem sufficient enough to accomplish everything I plan...*cross fingers, as though it has the power to change this someday*

Now, the internet in its own way has facilitated me in a lot of areas of my own writing. First, I like that there exist writing softwares that enable one to organize every written work in the making.  This is something that has pleased me the most to keep up with my writing and know where to start back again once it’s been awhile.  Different sites on the internet also help me get a general idea of things that I write about. I say this because the majority of stories that I have been working on are related to areas of Psychology and Health. I enjoy discovering things and information about for instance, a disease that my main character may be battling with when I need details. The internet has been a great tool that broadens my knowledge. For one example, I have been working on a story about a young boy with Sickle Cell Anemia who’s had a hard time in life thus far (the story is much more complex than this little description). Now, learning about Sickle Cell Anemia, its effect on people around the patient, treatments, definitions of medical terms, watching credited videos of people with the disease and testimonies online has been a great way for me to stay inspired and at least know what I’m talking about. I have come to understand that sometimes writing isn’t just writing, but its knowing what you’re trying to communicate. It is an art that must be practice honestly and lucidly as well. 

1 comment:

  1. That's really interesting about the internet sites for managing stories! I enjoy writing too and I'm curious, what is a source of inspiration for you to start/continue writing a piece? Good luck finishing you works! =^. .^=
