You may be wondering why I named this blog “the Art of Sight and Words.” See I had something else in mind when I thought of this project. I was going to talk about how my love for photography and writing sometimes intermingle with each other, and inspire a new line of work/topic. To clarify, I’ll give an example. I’ve had situations where my own photographs inspire a story plot and I start writing with a rationale that one day it will become a finished book (which speaking of books, I’ve been working on various ones and never seems to get a grip on them, which is a sign that I must learn to proceed one novel at a time like normal writers do). Hence, I was going to talk about how both arts relate with each other in my life and how from photographs, I have come up with stories to write about and vice versa. And this blog was going to focus on these accounts. BUT it didn’t quite work that way, all of the sudden I had to relate everything to the internet which changed a few ideas around, shifting my purpose of this blog entirely. Obviously putting everything together would be a confusing topic to elaborate on [now]. Well now, I’m discussing the influence of the internet in these arts communities, not just in my life but in general. It isn’t so bad after all; I get to learn and discuss some interesting things at the same time that we all today take for granted as though the internet has been around for thousands of years. But the semi confusing side remains; I have to blog about photography and writing separately like two topics. But again, it shouldn’t be bad. And as you see, I kept this original blog title. If it didn’t make much sense before. I hope it does now!
Come out of things unsaid.